Poll Summary


Polls Summary

Which genre of music do you prefer ?
Indie (10.57%)
Classical (22.64%)
Votes: 5980
United States: 143 Closed on: 19-May-2021

Which Genre Makes You Groove?

Everyone has a genre that keeps them going. Just playing a song from that genre can put them in a happy mood. People have their playlists sorted one for when they are working, one for when they are working out, and one for when things are not working out. With music's magical healing powers, one feels energized and the world seems like a better place. But which genre of music is the most powerful of all? To seek the answer to this question, we conducted a poll with 5,980 respondents asking them which genre is preferred by them the most. For 22.65%, Classical music is an all-time favorite and for 18.49% and 18.25%, Pop and Hip-Hop, do the trick. 17.72% are fans of Rock, 10.57% prefer Indie, and 3.81% love some soothing Jazz. 8.55% of the respondents like other genres that are not mentioned on the list. Whatever be the case, at the end of the day, music is a fantastic therapy for all.

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