Poll Summary


Polls Summary

Have you taken up a course during Covid 19 outbreak?
Yes. I’m doing masters online(18.43%)
No. I did not(47.67%)
Yes. I’m completing my graduation online(13.13%)
Yes. I’m doing a skill-building course (20.77%)
Votes: 2056
United States: 144 Closed on: 16-Feb-2021

Initiating a New Course During the Pandemic

One of the positive outcomes that emerged from the outbreak of covid-19 was the spare time everyone had in their hands. At first, people were just frustrated sitting at home with a longing to go back to their not-so-socially-distant lives. And soon enough, it changed into something positive. People started utilising this time to their advantage and took up hobbies like gardening, cooking, and learning a new language or a musical instrument. It was also an ideal time to undertake a course to sharpen one's mind and learn something new. And to see whether people had taken up a course or not, we conducted a poll with 2,056 respondents. 47.67% of the respondents didn't start a course while the others did. 20.77% of them are doing a skill-building course, 18.43% are working for their master's degree online, and 18.34% are completing their graduation online.

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